This annual report has been prepared by the Company and its contents have been reviewed by the Company’s
sponsor, PrimePartners Corporate Finance Pte. Ltd. (the “Sponsor”) for compliance with the relevant rules of the
Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “SGX-ST”). The Sponsor has not independently verifed the
contents of this annual report.
This annual report has not been examined or approved by the SGX-ST and the SGX-ST assumes no responsibility
for the contents of this annual report, including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or
reports contained in this annual report.
The contact person for the Sponsor is Mr Mark Liew, Managing Director, Corporate Finance, at 20 Cecil Street,
#21-02 Equity Plaza, Singapore 049705, telephone (65) 6229 8088.
Board of Directors
Ben Tan Chee Beng
Executive Chairman
Alvin Tan Chee Tiong
Chief Executive Offcer and
Group Managing Director
Melanie Tan Bee Bee
Executive Director
Wong Ming Kwong
Non-Executive Director
Dr Wu Chiaw Ching
Lead Independent Director
Raymond Lye Hoong Yip
Independent Director
Audit Committee
Dr Wu Chiaw Ching (Chairman)
Wong Ming Kwong
Raymond Lye Hoong Yip
Nominating Committee
Raymond Lye Hoong Yip (Chairman)
Wong Ming Kwong
Dr Wu Chiaw Ching
Remuneration Committee
Dr Wu Chiaw Ching (Chairman)
Wong Ming Kwong
Raymond Lye Hoong Yip
Company Secretary
Kenneth Hor Swee Liang, CPA
Registered Offce
18 Roberts Lane
#02-01/02 Goodland Building
Singapore 218297
Tel: +65 6289 0003
Fax: +65 6289 3818
Share Registrar
B.A.C.S. Private Limited
63 Cantonment Road
Singapore 089758
PrimePartners Corporate Finance Pte. Ltd.
20 Cecil Street
#21-02 Equity Plaza
Singapore 049705
Moore Stephens LLP
Certifed Public Accountants
10 Anson Road
#29-15 International Plaza
Singapore 079903
Audit Partner-in-charge
Neo Keng Jin
(a member of the Institute of Certifed Public
Accountants of Singapore)
Date of Appointment: 28 March 2009