Annual Report 2012
Board of
Ben Tan Chee Beng
Executive Chairman
Appointed as the Executive Director on 6 May
2004, Mr Ben Tan is the Chairman of the Board
of Directors, and is primarily responsible for
overseeing the strategic direction of the Group.
He was last re-elected on 27 January 2010.
Prior to joining the Group, Mr Tan worked as a
civil engineer with the Housing and Development
Board of Singapore. In July 1994, he became a
director of Goodland Development Pte Ltd, which
commenced operations as a civil engineering
company undertaking public infrastructure works.
Together with the other co-founder, Mr Alvin Tan,
he expanded the company’s business operations
to include property development.
Since October 2003, he has been the director of
Farmart Centre Pte Ltd, a company involved in
the operation of mini farm businesses.
Mr Tan holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from
the National University of Singapore.
Alvin Tan Chee Tiong
Chief Executive Offcer
Mr Alvin Tan was appointed as the Executive
Director on 6 May 2004, and was last re-elected
on 27 January 2010. He is the Chief Executive
Offcer. He is primarily responsible for the overall
management of the Group, and is responsible
for overseeing its business operations. Under
his leadership, the Group has seen a signifcant
expansion in its holdings, and a substantial
increase in capital base.
He is also the director of Banyan Housing
Development Sdn. Bhd., a company overseeing
the expansion of the Group’s business in Malaysia.
Mr Tan holds a First Class (Honours) in Construction
Management from the Royal Melbourne Institute
of Technology, Australia.
Melanie Tan Bee Bee
Executive Director
Ms Melanie Tan was appointed as the Executive
Director on 19 August 2009 and was last re-
elected on 27 January 2011. Ms Tan has an
accounting background, and is responsible for
overseeing the fnances of the Group, its strategic
investments, acquisitions and fnance, including
the Company’s initial public offering. She joined
the Group as Financial Controller in 1995.
Ms Tan also overseas the Group’s human resource
and administration, and drives service innovation
within the Group.
From Left to right
Raymond Lye Hoong Yip, Wong Ming Kwong, Ben Tan Chee Beng, Alvin Tan Chee Tiong, Melanie Tan Bee Bee, Dr Wu Chiaw Ching